All-State Choir
9th – 12th Grade Choir Students are eligible to audition for the South Carolina Music Educators Association’s (SCMEA) All-State Choir. The audition process entails learning a pre-selected piece of choral music and performing it at the audition. In addition, students will be expected to sight sing eighth measures of music. The All-State Choir is held in the Spring of each year. Participating in the All-State Choir is the highest honor for a high school choral student. Colleges are notified of the names of All-State Choir members and our students are often recruited and offered scholarships.
All-State Auditions – Nov 2022
The Corporation is Spartanburg High School’s auditioned Show Choir. Corporation members are selected based on a Spring audition and their membership in the Chorale (both of which are honors courses). These students are the ambassadors of the choral program. They often perform in the community and are invited to perform around the state.
Corp at JBE 22-23 Winter Concert ’23 Corp Tour
College Scholarships
Our Spartanburg High School Choir Booster Club has awarded more than $2500 each year to graduating seniors. Each Spring our seniors participate in an application and interview process to determine the award amounts for deserving seniors. Our John Mabry Scholarship of $1000 was awarded to Ja’Nise Dunlap last Spring. Ja’Nise attends the Savannah College of Art and Design. An additional $1800 was awarded to 8 additional 2020 seniors.

Club Allegro
Club Allegro is our Fall Variety Show. This is a great opportunity for students to sing or perform solos, duets, small group numbers on our D7 FIne Arts Center Stage. Ticket sales from Club Allegro 2022 raised $627 towards Choir Field Trip Scholarships as we as the Senior Scholarship Fund..